Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategic move involves showcasing Russian naval power near Cuba and Florida, with advanced warships equipped with hypersonic missiles. The Admiral...
Border Patrol agents in Blythe, California, apprehended two individuals, including a California man and his underage brother, after discovering a significant cache of firearms...
A CNN reporter addressed Trump supporters calling the U.S. a republic as an “attack on democracy,” sparking a debate on the country’s governance. Historian...
Archaeologists in Israel discovered a significant site in Lod shedding light on Jewish life during the Roman era in Palestine. The excavation revealed a...
A Rasmussen Reports Poll reveals that 56% of voters believe Biden administration officials should be imprisoned if they defy Congress subpoenas, with strong partisan...
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy advocated for mandatory mental health warnings on social media platforms, emphasizing the detrimental impact on young individuals. He proposed...
President Joe Biden is set to announce executive action granting deportation protection and work authorization to select undocumented spouses of US citizens who have...
The White House dismissed recent videos portraying President Joe Biden in a confused or frozen state as “cheap fakes,” distinguishing them from deepfakes manipulated...
Bill Gates remains committed to reducing cow methane emissions, announcing an investment in Rumin8, an Australian group aiming to mitigate methane production in cows....