Nick Mavar, a former deckhand on the F/V Northwestern from “Deadliest Catch,” has passed away following a medical emergency in Naknek, Alaska. Known for...
Charles Barkley, renowned basketball Hall of Famer and popular sports analyst on “Inside The NBA,” has announced his retirement from television after the 2024-25...
Former Democrat donor Jacob Helberg announced his support for former President Trump in the upcoming election, citing President Biden’s shift towards “radical progressive” policies...
President Biden is considering a new initiative that would grant legal status to undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens, aiming to engage left-leaning voters...
Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump have established a friendly relationship, with Trump frequently calling Musk and expressing admiration for his work in...
According to Iranian state media, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and several other high-ranking officials were killed in a helicopter crash...
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced the city’s decision to scale back migrant services by consolidating shelters to save millions of dollars. The plan involves...